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Saskatoon Public Schools
Inspiring Learning
Frequently Asked Questions
​​​Registration for Non-Canadian Students 

Parents With Work and Study Permits

International Tuition-Paying Students

We are moving to Saskatoon. Where do I register my c​hild? 

  • Students whose parents are Canadian citizens and whose first language is English, as well as all kindergarten students born in Canada, can register at their neighbourhood school. For more information about registration for Canadian citizens, click here.
  • Non-Canadian students (or children of non-Canadian parents) need to register through the Newcomer Student Centre so their immigration documents can be reviewed to determine eligibility for publicly funded education in Saskatoon.
  • Students in grades 1 to 12 who are new to Saskatoon Public Schools and whose first language is not English also register at the Newcomer Student Centre

I don't have a permanent address yet. Can ​​my child go to school? 

If you are currently looking for a place to live, your child will not be able to register until you provide a proof of address document. One of the following documents can provide this information:
  • Signed mortgage, rental or lease agreement
  • Saskatchewan driver’s license
  • Utility bill (e.g., water, gas, energy, cable TV).

Which school is best for my child? 

Families are encouraged to register their children in the school that is closest to their home. All schools follow the curriculum set by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education. For more information about the curriculum, please refer to the Ministry's website


Which school will my child attend?

  • Elementary school students typically attend the neighborhood school in their attendance area. To find your neighbourhood school, click on our School Locator.
  • High schools have open attendance boundaries, which means students can attend the collegiate of their choice, regardless of where they reside in the city. 

How do you determine what grade my child will go into? 

Students in kindergarten to Grade 8 are placed in the grade that matches their age. High school students may receive credit for classes completed outside of Canada, so their grade will be determined at the school. 


Can I register my child for school at any time of the year? 

There is no deadline to register for school. Saskatoon Public Schools offers open registration throughout the school year. 


What happens after I register my child at the Newcomer Student Centre? 

After you have completed the registration process at the Newcomer Student Centre, you will be given your child’s registration form to bring to the school. Schools usually need one or two working days to process each student's registration. High school students will then meet with a school counsellor to determine a class schedule. 


What happens if a school is full? Will my child be placed on a waiting list? 

Children attending an elementary school are accepted in the neighborhood catchment school regardless of how full the school may be. Schools accept all elementary-aged children in the catchment area. 


What if my child has little or no English-language skills? 

Your child's English-language skills will be assessed at the Newcomer Student Centre. Extra language support may be provided, if necessary, by staff at the school. 


How old does my child have to be in order to register for kindergarten? 

Children are currently admitted to kindergarten if they are five years of age on or before December 31st in the year they register for.​

My child is transitioning to Grade 9. Do I need to visit the Newcomer Student Centre to register? 

​If your child is transferring from a Saskatoon Public School, it is not necessary to register through the Newcomer Student Centre.  

If your child is new to Saskatoon Public Schools, you will need to contact the Newcomer Student Centre by phone at 306-683-8400 or by email [email protected] to learn how to register. ​

Do high school students have to provide school report cards or transcripts? 

Students who have completed high school courses outside of Canada should provide their transcripts to the Newcomer Student Centre when booking an appointment. Out-of-country transcripts will be evaluated by the Ministry of Education to determine equivalency. Original transcripts are required. Notarized translations of these documents may also be required. 


We are moving to another area in the city. What do I need to do? 

Please inform your current school of your move and register at the new school. The school staff will initiate your child’s transfer process to the other school. 


How do I re-enroll my children after an extended leave? 

Please contact the Newcomer Student Centre if you left the school division for an extended period of time so your eligibility can be verified. 


I have completed my Grade 12 in my home country. Can I register for high school? 

Those who have completed high school and are interested in post-secondary education should contact the institution of their choice to inquire about admission requirements. If high school upgrading is required, contact the Newcomer Student Centre to discuss registration options. 

I have a permit to work in Canada. Can I register my child?

For your child to be eligible for study: 
  • The child's parent/legal guardian must have a valid work permit issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) that is valid for a term of one year or more AND
  • The work permit must be valid for Saskatchewan AND
  • The child's parent/legal guardian must live in Saskatchewan with the child for the duration of study. 

I have a permit to study in Canada. Can I register my child?

For your child to be eligible for study:
  • The parent/guardian's study permit must be for at least one year AND 
  • The parent/guardian must be enrolled in a degree or diploma program in a recognized post-secondary institution. 

Your child does not need his or her own study permit. 


I have a study permit for one year and am enrolled in an English as a Second Language program. Can I register my child?

No. Children of parents who are studying ESL only are not eligible to enroll with Saskatoon Public Schools. 


I am in Canada as a visitor. Can I register my child?

If you have been issued a visitor record by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, your children are not eligible to enroll in Saskatoon Public Schools at this time.

Do I need to apply for a study permit for my child? 

Your child does not need his or her own study permit. The child may have either a visitor record or a study permit as long as the accompanying parent is permitted to work or study in Saskatchewan. For more information, see Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, subsection A30(2).


Can Saskatoon Public Schools provide me with a letter of acceptance so my child can apply for a study permit? 

Saskatoon Public Schools is not able to issue letters of acceptance to potential students. Eligibility for study is based on the accompanying parent’s immigration status. Therefore, as long as the parent is working or studying in Saskatchewan, their children will be eligible to register for school. We do not require students to have a study permit. For more information, see Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, subsection A30(2).

My parents do not live in Saskatchewan. Can I pay tuition fees if I want to enroll in Saskatoon Public Schools?

Yes. If your parents are not living in Saskatchewan, you may apply for tuition-based education. Only children with a parent/legal guardian in Saskatchewan are eligible to receive a publicly funded education. If you are interested in tuition-based education, please contact Saskatoon International Education for information. 


I have a relative who wants to come live with me and study here. As the custodian, can I register him/her with Saskatoon Public Schools?

No. Children who want to register with our division must be in Saskatchewan with a biological parent or legal guardian who is permitted to work or study in Saskatchewan. If you are interested in tuition-based education, please contact Saskatoon International Education for information.