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School Community Councils
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
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Click on the links below for frequently asked questions about School Community Councils.
Why were School Community Councils established?
What is the role of the School Community Council?
Who is eligible to run for an elected seat on a school’s School Community Council and vote for members of the Council?
Who can be registered as an elector in a school division?
Will School Community Council officers have specific rules and responsibilities?
If a School Community Council does not meet the minimum requirements of five elected members, should they proceed?
Who is an appointed member on the School Community Council?
Can a member be appointed to represent a particular demographic group in a school?
Which members of a School Community Council have voting rights?
What are the terms of office for School Community Council members?
How often are School Community Councils expected to meet?
Do school staff report to School Community Councils?
What authority or responsibility do School Community Councils have in dealing with complaints that have been brought to their attention about individual students, family members or guardians of individual students, staff members at the school, or any other employee of, or member of, the Board of Education?
Why were School Community Councils established?
In 2007-08, the Government of Saskatchewan passed legislation to establish a School Community Council in every school in the province. In the past, individual school divisions dealt with issues relating to parent and community involvement in education. School Community Councils will provide more consistency across the province and allow for more parent and community involvement in education.
What is the role of the School Community Council?
A School Community Council is an advisory body whose primary purpose is to support student learning and well-being, and to and encourage parent and community involvement in the school. The School Community Council works closely with the school administration to provide advice for educational planning and decision-making at the school level.
Who is eligible to run for an elected seat on a school’s School Community Council and vote for members of the Council?
A parent or guardian of a student who attends the school (including parents/guardians who do not reside within the attendance area of the school).
Community members who do not have a child in the school but who are electors and live within the attendance area or geographic area for that school.
Who can be registered as an elector in a school division?
An elector:
Is a Canadian citizen on the day of the election
Is at least 18 years old on the day of the election
Has lived in the school division for at least three months and in Saskatchewan for at least six months.
A person who is registered as an elector in a public school division is not qualified to be registered as an elector in any other school division.
Will School Community Council officers have specific rules and responsibilities?
School Community Councils must develop a constitution (which specifies officers and their duties), for approval by the Board of Education. The government regulations governing School Community Councils state that at a minimum the officers shall include a chairperson, a vice-chairperson, a secretary and any other officers as outlined in the constitution of the School Community Council.
School Community Councils select their officers from the following representative members:
Elected members
Secondary student representative(s) in the case of high schools
First Nations representative(s) if there are students who live on reserve and attend that school.
If a School Community Council does not meet the minimum requirements of five elected members, should they proceed?
Schools will run elections and make reasonable efforts to fill the minimum five elected members for the School Community Council. If there are less than five individuals to fill the elected seats, the School Community Council members will work with the administration of the school and consult with the Board of Education to identify and appoint members to the Council to meet membership requirements.
Who is an appointed member on the School Community Council?
The regulations governing School Community Councils state clearly that the principal of the school and one teacher are appointed members to the School Community Council. Beyond these two appointed members, it is up to each School Community Council to decide who else they wish to appoint.
Additional appointed members may include:
Vice/assistant principal
Community school coordinator
Nutrition coordinator
Parent room representative
A member of a visible minority
Senior Citizen’s representative
Service provider (e.g., healthcare, community resources, police).
Can a member be appointed to represent a particular demographic group in a school?
Although there isn’t anything stated in the regulations governing School Community Councils, Councils should try to be as representative of their student population as possible. This ensures that all voices within the parent body are heard. If School Community Councils find their students are not represented through the elected positions on the Council, they may appoint individuals to represent a particular demographic or minority group.
Which members of a School Community Council have voting rights?
Each School Community Council decides how they want to make decisions (i.e., by consensus or majority vote or both) and indicate that in their constitution. As well, each School Community Council decides and states in their constitution who has voting rights at Council meetings.
What are the terms of office for School Community Council members?
The regulations governing School Community Councils outline the term of office for elected members, secondary student representatives and appointed members. If an individual vacates his/her office before the term is completed, the School Community Council in consultation with the Board of Education appoints a replacement.
How often are School Community Councils expected to meet?
The regulations governing School Community Councils state that Councils shall meet at least five times annually and hold an Annual Meeting for all electors, parents/guardians of students in the school, as well as community members living in the school’s geographic or attendance area. Many School Community Councils may choose to meet on a monthly basis during the school year to conduct their business.
Do school staff report to School Community Councils?
No, school staff do not report to School Community Councils. Councils are advisory bodies, and their primary purpose is to support student learning and well-being, and to encourage parent and community involvement in the school.
What authority or responsibility do School Community Councils have in dealing with complaints that have been brought to their attention about individual students, family members or guardians of individual students, staff members at the school or any other employee of, or member of, the Board of Education?
School Community Councils have no authority or responsibility in this area.