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Saskatoon Public Schools
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French Immersion
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Saskatoon Public Schools' French immersion program is designed for students whose first language is not French. The program uses French as the primary language of instruction and communication in the school setting to enable students to acquire functional language skills. Kindergarten and Grade 1 are the entry points for French immersion and the program continues to Grade 12.

Parents do not need to speak French to enroll their children in French immersion — most parents have little or no French language skills. The percentage of instruction in French through kindergarten to Grade 12 is:
  • Kindergarten: 100%
  • Grades 1 and 2: 90-100%
  • Grades 3 to 5: 70-90%
  • Grades 6 to 9: 50-70%
  • Grades 10 to 12: 50-60%​
The goals of the French immersion program are to:
  • Offer a comprehensive French education
  • Increase French language learning competence while also developing students’ English skills
  • Give students the ability to communicate effectively in Canada’s two official languages.
Upon completing the program, students are able to 
  • Listen, speak, read and write in French
  • Graduate with a bilingual Grade 12 diploma
  • Pursue post-secondary education/training in both French and English
  • Undertake employment in French and English
  • Possess an understanding of global perspectives on cultures and people, including their own. 
Note: English as an Additional Language​ support may be available to French immersion students in grades 3 to 12 should they qualify.

French Immersion Schools

​Click on the links below to learn more about French immersion in elementary and secondary schools.

French Immersion Programming