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Saskatoon Public Schools
Inspiring Learning
Strategic Plan
​​​​ At Saskatoon Public Schools (SPS), our *strategic plan​​ is all about students.  

At the heart of our plan are four student goals developed in consultation with students, parents, caregivers, staff and community partners. These goals were chosen because they focus on preparing students for an evolving world and highlight the necessary skills, character traits and knowledge students need for their future. 

*At the May 10, 2022 meeting of the Board of Education, it was decided that the Saskatoon Public Schools Strategic Plan (2019-24) would be extended to 2026 given the disruptions on school division operations posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Student Goals

Academic Excellence
Students will achieve success in their learning goals. These goals are as unique as our students and may include:
Students will demonstrate respect, responsibility and perseverance. Teaching these values will develop our students' ability to not only exist in our world but thrive as action-oriented community members into the future. In considering our students' future, we want to acknowledge who they are now and the role they play as citizens in their communities. 

Students will actively participate in relevant and meaningful learning. Education is not one size fits all. Lessons in the classroom should be collaborative, appealing and joyful. We are committed to adapting and innovating to engage and challenge students.

Students will develop the skills to make healthy choices. We want to equip our students with the tools to take care of themselves physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. 

Our Commitment to Learning

We are committed to creating learning experiences that inspire all students to reach their potential. To do this we are focusing on a few key areas:

We will foster caring and supportive relationships, honour diversity, create welcoming and joyful spaces, and develop and grow community partnerships. 

In focusing on equity, we will be open to all, maintain high expectations for all, enact anti-racist/anti-oppressive practices, and pursue a representative workforce. 

We will be accountable by responding to student needs through evidence-based practices, by focusing on Indigenous student success, by pursuing continuous improvement, and by ensuring safe, caring and accepting environments.

​​​SPS Strategic Measurement Plan

To see how we're meeting our objectives, targets and initiatives, click here.​