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Saskatoon Public Schools
Inspiring Learning
Grade 12 Completion & Upgrading Options

​​​​​​​Students Ages 18 to 21

Students ages 18 to 21 who have graduated and want to upgrade courses or who have not completed the requirements for Grade 12 graduation, can​​ register at Nutana C​ollegiate or the Royal Adult Campus at Mount Royal Collegiate.​

Students can take up to two courses per school year.*
  • ​If registered by September 30, there is no tuition. 
  • If registered after September 30, tuition is $500. Payment can be made using SchoolCash Online​, by credit card or by e-cheque.​
Students also have the option of writing one or more ministry-prepared supplemental examinations to raise their marks in a Grade 12 subject. When a student has multiple course attempts, only the highest mark attained will appear on the Transcript of Secondary Level Achievement. To register for a supplemental examination, contact Student and Educator Services, Office of the Registrar, at [email protected].

Saskatoon Public Schools no longer offers online courses. Students interested in online learning can find information on registration with Sask DLC here​.

​​*There may be fees associate​d with withdrawal from courses. Click here​ for more information.

Students Ages 22+

SPS is pleased to work with the following education partners to support learners ages 22+: