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Saskatoon Public Schools
Inspiring Learning
German Exchange Program


Saskatoon Public Schools (SPS) coordinates a German Exchange program with several partner schools in Schleswig-Holstein, ​Germany for SPS students in grades 10 and 11.

During the exchange, SPS students are paired with German students and the families of both take on hosting duties. This allows SPS students to enjoy time with their German partners at their school in Saskatoon and to spend time in Germany at their partners'​ school.

Students​ can participate in an exchange of either six weeks or three months (provided that enough students register for each trip). 

Six-Week Exchange

The six-week exchange begins with SPS students traveling to Germany in mid-June to live with their host families until the end of July. This allows SPS students to have four weeks of school and two weeks of summer holidays with their German partners. SPS students participating in this exchange must complete their collegiate classes one week prior to the end of the semester before beginning their exchange in mid-June. German students will reciprocate the visit around August 20 and stay until the end of September (exact dates are determined when the school calendar for the year is finalized).

This exchange is for grades 10 and 11 students who are interested in experiencing life and culture in a German home and school. Knowledge of German is not required. Students apply in their grade 10 or 11 year.

Three-Month Exchange

Students interested in the three-month exchange should apply as Grade 10 students and should be enrolled in a program of German language study.  The exchange begins with German students arriving for their stay around August 20 of the following school year.  German students stay in Saskatoon and attend the collegiate of their partner.  SPS s​​​tudents must complete their second semester classes (or be enrolled in the Distance Learning classes) before they travel to Germany for the last three months of the school year (April-June) of their Grade 11 year.  This program is only offered if a minimum of five students register in a given year.

Eligibility/Selection Criteria

​The German E​xchange program is open to all Saskatoon Public Schools students in grades 10 and 11.​

  • Students must have a fully satisfactory or superior academic record, as well as suitable participation in and contribution to school life.
  • Students must be mature and flexible, so they can cope with life in a different country. A positive attitude and open-mindedness to new challenges is essential.
  • Students must be good ambassadors. For this program to be successful, students should consistently make an effort to cooperate with teachers and be willing and able to solve personal conflicts.
  • Students must be in good health.


  • Families must be able to provide German exchange students with suitable accommodation and family life. A separate bedroom for the exchange student is essential.
  • Every member of the family living at home should be committed to the exchange and be willing to contribute to its success. The host student should be considered part of the family while in Saskatoon.
  • Families must be willing to provide or arrange for suitable cultural and recreational experiences to German students. This may include some travel within the province.
  • Students must receive a recommendation from their school administration and liaison teacher to participate in the exchange program. The last page of the application form must be completed by the school principal.
For detailed information on the responsibilities of students, families and schools, click here​.


Costs include:
  • Airfare: approximately $2,000-2,500 per student
  • Administration fee: $200
  • Hosting a German teenager: Varies, depending on six-week or three-month exchange 

Program Administration

​The exchange program is based on an arrangement between Saskatoon Public Schools and the responsible government agency in Germany.

The coordinator of the program is Mr. James Ens Funk. He is responsible for communicating with German authorities and for the administration of the program in Saskatoon. Any questions or concerns about the program should be directed to ​[email protected].


Interested students, parents, and guardians are invited to an information meeting the first Wednesday following the Thanksgiving long weekend at Aden Bowman Collegiate library at 7:30. (Look for announcements via posters, announcements, newsletters, or social media from your collegiate.)

Applications are due to the program coordinator by November 15 each year.

Mr. James Ens Funk
German Exchange Program Facilitator
Saskatoon Public Schools
Aden Bowman Collegiate