Career and Work Education (CWE) programs offer a range of opportunities to students with varying skills and abilities. The following programs provide students with an opportunity to blend theoretical and practical experience both in the classroom and at a work site other than the classroom. For more information, visit our
frequently asked questions page.
Key stakeholders in CWE programs are the school, home and community. The concept of partnership is key to the success of these programs. We are proud of what is happening in our schools to focus on career education and life-path planning.
Career and Work Exploration
Career and Work Exploration (CWE) 10, 20, 30 is a non-pre-requisite series of courses blending theory-based and experiential learning components in a career development continuum of awareness, exploration and experience. Students access the community as a learning environment, thereby enhancing their opportunities for career life success.
The curriculum promotes career planning and decision-making. The curriculum is not intended to force students to make premature choices but to help students expand their occupational awareness and relate their educational choices to career development, while keeping a wide variety of transition pathways open for consideration.
High School Carpentry Apprenticeship Program
In the High School Carpentry Apprenticeship Program (HCAP), students in grades 11 and 12 experience all aspects of the residential construction industry by building a home themselves. Students are guided throughout the home-building process by seasoned tradespeople and journeypersons who oversee all stages of development and ensure national building code requirements are met. Students earn up to five high school credits and 640 hours towards an apprenticeship through the Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship program. Students also receive safety training and certification to mitigate the risk of workplace-related injuries. These certifications support students in obtaining future employment opportunities in the skilled trades. For more information and to apply, click
Alternative Education
Alternative Education provides students with learning opportunities to develop skills to function independently at school, at home and in the community. Each student has an IIP to address their individualized learning goals and needs. The Alternative Education program focuses on functional academic, life and work readiness skills. Students take academic courses to earn alternate education credits at the 18, 28 and 38 levels. Elective courses are offered when appropriate to the interest and ability of the student. Life Skills and Career and Work Exploration courses are recommended electives. Alternative Education programs are offered at Bedford Road, Marion M. Graham, Mount Royal and Walter Murray collegiates.
Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship
The Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship (SYA) program introduces students to the apprenticeship and trade certification process as they explore the world of opportunities and rewards that come with working in the skilled trades. Students must be in grades 9 to 12 (at least 14 years of age) and meet one of the following criteria: - Be employed in part-time or seasonal work.
- Registered in a trade-related Practical and Applied Arts course, a trade-related locally developed course, Career and Work Exploration 10, 20 or 30 or a Practical and Applied Arts survey course with at least one-third trade-related content.
The three levels of challenges, which can be completed in grades 10, 11 and 12, are recorded in the SYA Passport upon completion. This program follows Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) provincial apprenticeship guidelines, allowing students registered in SYA to accumulate 100 hours of trade time credit for every SYA level completed, which can then be applied to a formal apprenticeship.
Apprenticeship Credits
Saskatoon Public Schools recognizes up to four apprenticeship credits (20A, 20B, 30A, 30B) per student for out-of-school initiatives on the basis of trade-related work proposed and completed by an individual student. The student must be employed in an approved apprenticeship in one of the designated trades and under the supervision of a journeyperson (or approved non-journeyperson) and must complete a minimum of 100 hours of trade-related work per credit. Prior to beginning the work for credit, the student must submit an Apprenticeship Credit proposal by completing the application package and be approved by the school's principal, the employer and the supervising teacher.
Learn More
For more information about Saskatoon Public Schools Career and Work Education programs, please contact the Career and Work Education teacher-on-assignment by phone at 306-683-7542, or a specific school regarding programs offered at that site.