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Saskatoon Public Schools
Inspiring Learning
SAGE Gifted Education



The Saskatoon Public Schools Academically Gifted Education (SAGE) program supports gifted learners in grades 5–12, fostering academic growth, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving. 

SAGE classrooms provide an enriched environment where students interact with intellectual peers, build meaningful connections, and develop both academically and socially. The program emphasizes interdisciplinary learning, encouraging students to make connections across subjects, collaborate on complex challenges, and express their creativity in meaningful ways, all while fostering a strong sense of belonging. 

Students come together from across the city to attend the SAGE program at one of five schools (three elementary and two secondary). Students represent diverse backgrounds and possess various talents, but what unites them is their intellectual ability and the need for connections with like-minded peers who challenge, understand and connect with them.

Note: Starting in the 2025-2026 school year, the SAGE program at Dr. John G. Egnatoff School will no longer accept Grade 5 students. It will begin a phase-out of the SAGE program at this location over the next three years. All current SAGE students at Dr. John G. Egnatoff School will continue in the program and remain at the school until they complete Grade 8. 

In the 2025-2026 school year, the elementary SAGE program will be consolidated into two locations: Caswell School and Greystone Heights School.  All Grade 5 SAGE students will be invited to attend one of these two schools.  The Dr. John G. Egnatoff School referral area will become a part of the Caswell School referral area after this change.


SAGE Schools

SAGE congregated classrooms are located at the following schools:

In elementary school, student placement is based on the neighbourhood the student lives in.


Referral Process

The SAGE program identifies students who may benefit from gifted programming, with referrals made by school staff based on a student's potential.  Once referred, students must complete a cognitive assessment called Insight to assess their giftedness and eligibility.  Students must meet criteria based on both the cognitive assessment and the teacher referral to be invited to join the program.

In elementary programs, students in Grade 4 may be identified by school staff as benefiting from gifted programming. A referral is completed at the school and submitted to the SAGE committee. The referral process takes place from February through June.

In secondary programs, students in Grade 8 may be identified by school staff as benefiting from gifted programming. A referral is completed at the school and submitted to the SAGE committee. The referral process takes place from December through March and includes a student writing component. Referred students can indicate which collegiate they would prefer to attend.

To inquire about admission at grades other than Grade 4 and Grade 8, please email [email protected].​

The referral due date for Secondary SAGE is February 14, 2025. The referral due date for Elementary SAGE is still TBC for 2025.


For questions, please email Colleen Dauvin at [email protected].