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PreKindergarten-Grade 8 and Grade 10-12 Registration:

  • To register online for the 2025-2026 school year, click here​.
  • To register online for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year,​ click he​re. ​
  • To register in person, please contact the school​ of your choice.

NOTE: With the exception of schools restricted to area residents (in 2024-25: Chief Whitecap, Colette Bourgonje, Ernest Linder, Sylvia Fedoruk), SPS elementary schools operate with open boundaries and students can register at the school of their choice. Transportation may not be available to students who live outside a school's designated area. For information on transportation, click here​. Secondary schools operate with open boundaries.​

​​Grade 9 Registration: Students attending Grade 8 at Saskatoon Public Schools who have not yet submitted a Grade 9 Transition form should speak with their school administrators. Students not currently registered with Saskatoon Public Schools, should use the 2025-26 Registration Form​.​​​​​​

What information will I need to register?
  • You will be asked to upload a scan or picture of your current transcript. 
  • Students from out-of-province or out-of-country students may be asked for additional information including transfer credits. Providing us with this information early allows for more accurate class scheduling.
  • Students providing an advance digital transcript will still need to bring their original transcript to their registration appointment at the school. 

What is an official transcript? 

  • Out of-country: Original or official documents issued by the appropriate authority from the educational institution that awarded the student’s credentials are required for out-of-country evaluation. The official documents are required in the original language, and (if applicable) an English translation is required. 
  • Out-of-province: Students entering a Saskatchewan secondary school from other provinces or territories need to submit their official documents for evaluation purposes. The documents must bear the original signature and/or seal from the school or Ministry of Education. In some provinces, the final record is issued by the school while in other provinces the record is issued by the Ministry of Education.