Walter Murray Collegiate, established in 1961, is a comprehensive high school on Saskatoon's east side. As a large school of more than 1,100 students—who represent 40 different nationalities and come from all areas of Saskatoon—we have the ability to offer a selection of options in a variety of courses, both curricular and extracurricular.
Walter Murray is home to
Saskatoon Public Schools' Academically Gifted Education (SAGE) program for students in grades 9 to 12. The SAGE program creates an environment that fosters advanced learning, critical thinking and creative problem-solving in gifted learners by providing enriched opportunities, both in and out of school, and building a community of like-minded learners.
We are also home to a
French Immersion program. French Immersion at the collegiate level builds on students’ established language skills while also establishing competency in curricular subjects. It is for students whose first language is not French and who have taken kindergarten to Grade 8 French Immersion, late French Immersion or who have equivalent fluency. Students who complete the French Immersion program earn a bilingual certificate.
Students can also choose from language electives in German, Japanese in Spanish. Students interested in learning more about Germany and its language have the opportunity to participate in a six-month or three-week
German Exchange program.
In Grade 11,
Outdoor School provides students with an opportunity for outdoor adventure and environmental education. While traveling through the province to embark on a semester-long outdoor adventure, students earn five credits in English language arts, environmental science, geography, Indigenous studies and physical education. Students who thrive on challenge, or need to be challenged more, consistently thrive in Outdoor School.
In all grades, our band program offers students tremendous opportunities to develop their skills. Each grade has its own individual band, with between 50 to 75 students. Approximately 100 students also enroll in choir each year. Students in band and choir travel annually to an out-of-province festival. We also have many talented students in our visual and graphic arts program, providing these students with the opportunity to showcase their artistic abilities.
As a comprehensive high school, Walter Murray offers a range of electives, including accounting, commercial cooking, construction and carpentry, financial literacy, food studies, graphic arts, interior design and decorating, machining, photography, robotics and automotive, welding and more. Outside of class, we also offer a full complement of extracurricular programs, including a multitude of clubs and activities.
At Walter Murray, there truly are opportunities for everyone!