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Westmount School
Inspiring Learning
Métis/Michif Cultural Program

​​​​About Our Program

​​​​​​​​​The Métis/Michif Cultural Program was created at Westmount School to preserve, strengthen, and transmit Métis/Michif culture, traditions, and language to students. The program supports students from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 8. The program is exclusively offered at Westmount School but is open to Métis/Michif students across the city.​

The intent of the program is to enrich student education through authentic learning experiences within a Métis/Michif worldview. Learning occurs through a co-teaching model where a Métis cultural​ teacher works collaboratively with classroom teachers to integrate language, content, and perspectives into the curriculum.

PreK and Kindergarten

Westmount School is the exclusive home of the The Mii Taant leur Plaas (Auntie's Place) Michif Early Learning Program for prekindergarten and kindergarten students. To learn more about the program, click here.


All students K-8 are exposed to Métis/Michif culture that infuses content, perspectives, and languages throughout the school day in all curricular areas.

During the school year, students:

  • ​Enrich their learning from a Métis/Michif perspective
  • Build culturally relevant leadership skills
  • Transfer knowledge between generations
  • Participate in experiential learning opportunities
Some program highlights include:
  • ​Participate in the first Métis/Michif Cultural program in Saskatchewan, many Mé​​tis/Michif cultural celebrations (e.g., All Kings Day/Mé​​tis ​New Year, Louis Riel Day) and Kishkaytaytaahk​, an annual celebration of learning in June that hosts Grade 4 students from 20 different Saskatoon Public Schools.
  • Join the Lii Pchi Daanseur di la Prayrii, a performance jigging group.
  • Receive Michif language instruction.
  • Mii Taant leur Plaas for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students includes Mé​​tis​ Knowledge Keeper teachings. 

Program Supports​

The Métis/Michif Cultural Program is made possible because of the generosity and commitment of members from Métis/Michif communities in Saskatoon, including Lii Pleu Vyeu, Mé​​tis Nation—Saskatchewan (MN-S), Central Urban Métis Federation Incorporated (CUMFI), Gabriel Dumont Local 11, Gabriel Dumont Institute (GDI), and Saskatoon Public Schools' First Nations, Inuit and Métis Education Unit​. These partnerships are essential to the success of the program.

To register at Westmount School, click here.
