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Westmount School
Inspiring Learning
Michif Early Learning
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​Westmount School is home to the Mii Taant leur Plaas (Auntie's Place) Michif Early Learning program for prekindergarten and kindergarten students. 

Children ages three, four and five learn the Michif language and cultur​​e through play and exploration, storytelling and songs with an increased focus on traditions, customs and beliefs. These essential learning experiences are taught by Michif/Métis teachers and supported by Lii Vyeu (Old Peoples), language speakers, knowledge keepers, community partners and families.  ​​

There are many benefits to the program, including:

  • Language acquisition
  • Increased academic success
  • Strong cultural identity
  • Stronger connections to the community.
The full day prekindergarten program operates Monday to Thursday and the full day kindergarten program operates Monday to Friday. Transportation​ is available.

This early learning program receives funding from Métis Nation-Saskatchewan. The funding provides for a Michif language keeper and teacher staffing, an extended school day for students, professional learning opportunities, and the creation and distribution of Métis/Michif resources.


To register, click here​.

Note: Preference will be given to families and their children who self-identify as Métis/Michif. Family engagement is essential for the revitalization of the Michif language. The purpose of family engagement reflects the importance of the traditional role of Métis/Michif families in the development of a child's identity and learning.​