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Westmount School
Inspiring Learning
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About Our School
​​​​​​​The historical significance of Westmount School, established in 1913, is not lost on our students or community. Come walk our century-old hardwood floors, slide your hand down our smoothly textured wooden handrails, and you will immediately be transported to the warm, caring spirit that is Westmount. Take the time to mingle in any of our classrooms and you will recognize how our programs connect to the specific needs of each child.

Westmount is a prekindergarten​ to Grade 8 school that strives to nurture the development and growth of the whole child. After school programs, along with extracurricular activities and celebrations, supplement our academic programs to expand each child's particular experience, talents and interests. Parents and caregivers are invited to partner with staff on an exciting educational journey that ensures student success. 

You will notice other partnerships in play on any given day. The Kinsmen Hockey League is a longstanding and coveted tradition at Westmount. The support of our mentor company SaskTel is evident with some of our digital technology, and the sounds of music come to us from the dedicated volunteers of the Heart of the City piano program.

Wander our primary hallways and classrooms and catch us in the act of small, individualized reading groups. Climb to the third floor of our school for a feel of our creative side by taking a gander in the art room. We are a school with deep cultural roots. See how we Métis ​​and First Nations cultures into the fabric of our school every day with our Métis Cultural Program​​.

We are thankful and honoured to work in a school with such a rich legacy and to continuously celebrate our culture of diversity that weaves us together in unity. The spirit of community at Westmount is evident in the laughter and hugs we receive daily from our students and the words of thanks and appreciation our parent partners express. 

Come meet with us for a tour and we'll demonstrate how we care!​