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Greystone Heights School
Inspiring Learning
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About Our School
​​​​​​Greystone Heights School, which opened in 1961, embodies learning and teaching as its central and principle endeavour. It is located in a well-established neighbourhood close to the University of Saskatchewan and the Saskatoon Field House (a central sports complex), and it is linked by infrastructure to all areas of our city. Our school shares with Saskatoon an expansive area for outdoor activities containing soccer fields, a baseball diamond, an outdoor hockey rink and a creative play structure. ​

At Greystone Heights School, there are many opportunities for choice and innovation as we strive to provide a learning environment that responds to the diversity of needs, interests and talents of each individual student in every classroom.

Our staff models lifelong learning and connects with students in a unique way to reveal students' passion for learning. Our staff also supports students in developing their understanding and in acquiring a repertoire of skills that will enable them to embrace the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. The work we do in our classrooms reflects the long-term goal of developing students' self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-directedness. These qualities of independent learning are balanced and blended with the collaborative and cooperative skills and attitudes needed to support interdependent relationships and efforts.

The quality of these experiences — and the level of excellence achieved — are supported by a school culture characterized by respectful and trusting relationships, a shared vision and a climate that makes children feel valued, safe and accepted.

Extracurricular Clubs

  • Debate, choir, jazz band, recycling
  • Science and learning fairs
  • Provincial and national mathematics competitions
  • Team sports

Special Programs

Learning Environments

  • Outdoor courtyard classroom
  • Library
  • Middle years initiatives
  • Care partner activities