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City Park School
Inspiring Learning
The Experience

Ecoquest is a unique ecological, outdoor adventure program for Grade 8 students in Saskatoon Public Schools that provides active and challenging learning experiences. With Saskatchewan's diverse landscape as the classroom, Ecoquest students participate in field studies that bring the curriculum to life through exciting experiences and first hand exploration. The students, who come from all over Saskatoon, work cooperatively and form a close community as they share exciting experiences and develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of environmental and social issues.

Through hands-on experiential and captivating projects in the outdoors, Ecoquest students develop intellectually, socially, physically and spiritually while also enhancing their self-esteem and citizenship skills. This program's relevant and engaging experiential learning helps students to truly understand and critically evaluate real community issues that affect us all individually, provincially and globally as Canadians.

Instructional field studies range in scope from day trips in and around Saskatoon to major extended expeditions. Time is also spent in the classroom responding to and analyzing the out-of-school experiences and the data collected. All the required academic subjects are integrated into Ecoquest's three major themes - A Sense of Place, A Sense of Time and A Sense of Quality - which provide a meaningful and unifying framework for student learning. Ecoquest is an exceptional opportunity for Grade 8 students who are looking for a new academic challenge - complete with great adventure, new friends and active learning!