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Tommy Douglas Collegiate
Inspiring Learning
Softball Academy


Tommy Douglas Collegiate's Softball Academy is open to softball enthusiasts from grades 9 to 12. It is a broad-based program for students with a range of skill levels and a passion for the game. Participants in the program have an opportunity to develop softball skills, earn high school credit, volunteer in their community and create lasting friendships. The program takes place over one semester. In half the semester, students take part in on-field softball activities, both indoor and outdoor. In the other half, students are involved in career and work exploration or psychology classes, take National Coaching Certification training and complete sports-related volunteer hours.

In previous years, Softball Academy students have visited Phoenix, Florida State University, Cal State Fullerton, San Diego and Hawaii. In addition to an incredible clinic experience in these locations, students may attend sporting events and family attractions such as Disneyland, Sea World, Six Flags and Universal Studios.

To participate in Softball Academy, students must be enrolled full-time at Tommy Douglas Collegiate during the course. Softball Academy students come from different high schools throughout Saskatchewan and Alberta. Out-of-city students are responsible for providing their own accommodation.


  • ​Gain access to three beautiful softball diamonds, two batting cages, a 40-foot storage container with shelving to store equipment, as well as weightlifting and fitness areas at Tommy Douglas Collegiate.​
  • Earn NCCP Community Sport Ongoing Participation certification.
  • Participate in an extended study tour.


  • Trevor Ethier
    • Current Women's National Team Program Assistant Coach​
    • Canadian Native Fastpitch Championship Gold 2008-10, 2014
    • Canadian Men's National Team 2003-14​
    • Gold Medal ISC World Championship 2010​
    • ISF World Championship Bronze Medal 2009
    • Senior Men's Canadian Championship Gold Medal 2008​
    • Pan-Am Championship Gold Medal 2003
    • Saskatoon Sports Hall of Fame inductee

  • Don Bates
    • ​​Pan-Am Championship Gold Medal 2012, Bronze Medal 2014
    • Head Coach Canadian Men's National Team 2010-14
    • ISF World Championship Bronze Medal 2009
    • Assistant Coach Canadian Women's Olympic Team, Beijing 2008
    • Gold Medal International Challenge, Australia 2008
    • Silver Medal China Cup 2007
    • Saskatoon Sports Hall of Fame inductee

Equipment and Fees​​

Students are expected to supply their own glove, mouth guard, bat and batting helmet with face mask. The program supplies softballs, a pitching machine, batting tees, protective screening and cages. Participants are also supplied with a wind suit, t-shirt and shorts.

The fee for new students is $500. The fee for students in their second and third year is $350 (as they already have program apparel). The fee covers the cost of facility rentals, offsite transportation and course materials.

​Note: Acceptance into the program is not based on ability to pay. If cost is a deterrent, please contac​t us​​.​


  • ​Physical, Health and Career Education 9
  • Career and Work Exploration 10
  • Wellness 10
  • Physical Education 20 or 30
  • Geography 30
  • Psychology 30


To apply, click here​.

The application deadline is April 4.

Students must have a reference from a current teacher at the school they attend. The selection committee will review every application received with consideration given to maintaining an equitable gender balance of participants, as well as an equitable balance of position players.​


For questions, please email Trevor Ethier at [email protected] or Don Bates at [email protected].