Welcome to Sutherland School!
Students have been receiving high quality educational programming at our school since 1908. We have a diverse population of learners from across our province and the world.
There are many reasons to enroll at Sutherland School.
A respectful and peaceful school: Our students are respectful, which makes for a peaceful school environment. Visitors frequently comment on how students demonstrate respectful mannerisms and greet adults courteously. As well, our building conveys a sense of warmth, generosity and enthusiasm as children, parents and staff eagerly smile and make all who enter our building feel welcome.
Academic success and pride: We are committed to providing a safe, positive learning environment for our students. Our motto,
Working Hard to Be Our Best!, is important to us. It reflects the effort we encourage each student to put into their learning. We take pride in working hard to motivate each student to do their best. Our staff is also dedicated to doing their best. Working together with students and parents, we strive to ensure that each student has the opportunity to develop to their full potential.
Community engagement and forging strong bonds: We believe in strong communication between the home and school. Classroom newsletters, phone calls, home visits, and meeting and greeting parents within our building are ways that teachers communicate with families. Our
School Community Council and Friends of Sutherland School are involved in what happens at our school. Our parents help develop our school planning document, which directs our learning priorities and improves student learning.
Early childhood education: We promote a solid foundation for early learning through our
prekindergarten and
kindergarten programs. We have proudly implemented the Reggio Emilia approach, which encompasses the natural aspect of children at play and environmental learning. At Sutherland School, children are seen as capable learners who construct their learning rather than have constant instruction — their learning environment becomes an additional teacher. Through our partnership with the YMCA, Sutherland School provides a
Before and After School Care program.
Technology and innovation: We offer an array of technological programming, including digital projectors in all classrooms and a computer lab in our Learning Resource Centre. Teachers and students make use of iPads, school laptops and student-owned devices to facilitate their learning. We often post students' PowerPoint presentations on our television screen near the office.
Diversity and cultural responsiveness: We boast a diverse student population representing many different cultural groups. We take pride in honouring all who enter our school community and ensure that every child feels accepted, cared for and a sense of belonging. We teach not only the mandated Indigenous education curriculum but also the impact of residential schools on First Nations and Métis peoples. This important education is taught to students in middle years.
Green values: Our students and staff share a strong desire to decrease our carbon footprint. We monitor our schools' energy and water usage with the aim of reducing consumption. Our school has been recognized for our environmentally friendly student projects, such as
The Little Green Thumbs project and Saskatoon Public Schools'
Destination Conservation program.
Opportunities for student leadership: Our student leadership team provides students with opportunities to develop leadership skills by initiating and working on activities and special events for our student population.
Valuing the arts: In 2010-11, our school implemented an exciting Arts Education program. Students from kindergarten to Grade 8 enjoy dance, drama, music and visual art. Students also enjoy a great band program from grades 6 to 8.
Character education: Character education is embedded in our teaching. Students frequently revisit character virtues with their teachers and at school-wide assemblies.
Support for all learners: We have adopted and implemented Literacy for Life learning strategies, so all students are engaged in reading, writing, processing and representing literary concepts. Strategies such as the
Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM), Read to Succeed, Just Read, Literacy Inquiry Strategies and the use of classroom libraries are incorporated into our learning program and school plan. We also have the equivalent of 1.5 full-time resource teachers, who work cooperatively with classroom teachers to support student learning and improve academic, personal and social behaviour. Additionally, we offer ongoing enrichment to students who excel at curriculum standards.
A variety of extracurricular programs: We offer a variety of extracurricular programs, including cross-country running, school track, volleyball, basketball and floor hockey. Students are welcome to participate in a range of noon-hour clubs, including krafty kids, student leadership and zoo.
Extensive emergency procedures: Should an emergency occur where the school must be evacuated, teachers accompany students to St. Matthew's Anglican Church (135-109th Street; 306-374-8088). Information for parents is broadcast on the radio and parents will be telephoned through our phoning tree. Please do not phone the school as our phone lines will be inaccessible. Children will only be sent home if we can be assured of their safety.