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North Park Wilson School
Inspiring Learning
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About Our School
​​​​​​​​​​​North Park Wilson, which opened in 1954, serves the areas of City Park, North Park, Richmond Heights and Woodlawn. Our current school population is 380 students. We are ideally located close to downtown, the picturesque riverbank, beautiful parks, the University of Saskatchewan and Archibald Arena. Many of our daily activities take advantage of what our neighbourhood has to offer. Our school culture embraces diversity. Children in our building come from a wide range of cultural, ethnic and social backgrounds. With a focus on honouring different perspectives and celebrating diversity, our students learn about empathy, tolerance and respect for the gifts each of us has to share.  

North Park Wilson is a Centre of Excellence Through the Arts​. We are fortunate to have band, music and visual arts specialists as part of our core teaching staff. We teach the provincial curriculum in arts education with integrity and strive to infuse the arts into all subject areas. Our teachers creatively engage students to learn about, through and within the arts. We are home to Creative Action​, a specialized, full-year program for Grade 8 students who have shown leadership potential and a desire to cultivate their passion in the arts to make a difference in their community and beyond.

As citizens of the 21st century, our students need to be collaborative, creative, critical thinkers. At North Park Wilson, our teachers work diligently to create rich learning environments dedicated to ensuring all students reach their potential. Students in our school have the opportunity to engage in a wide range of extracurricular activities. These may include basketball, chess club, choir, cross country, jazz band, intramurals, student leadership team (SLT), track and volleyball.

The SHINE program is an important initiative at North Park Wilson. SHINE (School Health Initiative with Nursing Education) engages senior nursing students, under the direction and guidance of a University of Saskatchewan College of Nursing faculty member, in the delivery of health promotion programming for our students. This program takes a comprehensive, holistic and integrated approach to school health. The goals of the SHINE program were developed in collaboration with nursing students, the SHINE program coordinator, our students, teachers, staff and parents.
We believe our school is strengthened when we capitalize on the experience and talents of those around us. We have an active and engaged School Community Council and Parent Council that are committed to ensuring​ learning opportunities for our students are maximized. At North Park Wilson, our staff, students and community work together to ensure the experiences in our school support our children as they develop into happy, healthy, engaged citizens.