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John Lake School
Inspiring Learning
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About Our School
​​​​​​​​​We are a friendly, small school nestled in John Lake Park in Saskatoon's Avalon area. We have just the right number of students to be able to provide a full array of extracurricular activities and programs, yet still know each of our students as individuals. Our students are welcoming and accepting. Our students are known, valued and believed in, and we strive to create learning experiences that inspire all students to reach their potential. There is a good feeling when you walk into John Lake Schoolβ€”a feeling of energy and community. John Lake, which opened in 1958, is a great school!​

What is special about John Lake School?
  • We are focused on academic excellence, character development and engagement in meaningful learning and in student well-being. 
  • We are a safe and caring school. We believe that all students deserve a safe and happy learning environment. Our school fosters and promotes a sense of community: working together, supporting one another and acceptance.

  • Our staff and student values are kindness, respect, engagement and a focus on improvement. 
  • We place literacy and mathematics at the top of our academic priorities. John Lake students have performed well on reading assessments. We continue to focus on teaching mathematics through experiential learning and practical experiences.
  • We embrace our community. Arts education and language programs (e.g., music, dance, drama, visual arts) are woven into all subject areas, and through the teaching of language and culture (kindergarten to Grade 8) we explore our global community and incorporate values of acceptance and cooperation.

  • We engage our students in their learning. Our dedicated team of educators provides interesting and engaging learning opportunities for our students.

  • We believe that extracurricular programs are important in developing interests and talents. We offer a wide variety of sports, fine arts and cultural programming. 

  • We believe that our students are leaders in the making. As such, we provide genuine leadership opportunities for our students to help them develop to their full potential. Our senior students plan and organize key activities in our school.

  • Our school is home to a Before and After School Care​ program run by BGC Saskatoon. 

  • Our school is designed to ensure safety and to accommodate the needs of primary and middle years students. John Lake School has two wings: preschool to Grade 4 and grades 4 to 8. The primary and middle years students enjoy large, separate play areas with modern play structures and plenty of park space to explore.