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Brownell School
Inspiring Learning
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As administrators, we are privileged to work with a talented group of teachers, students, parents and community members at Brownell School. Brownell is a kindergarten to Grade 8 school with an enrolment of approximately 205 students. Our school also houses the Northern Heights Cooperative Preschool and BGC Saskatoon's Before and After School Care program.
Our extremely capable staff is committed to educational excellence where each individual can develop their potential academically, personally, socially and culturally. Our staff is dedicated to expanding their knowledge of quality instruction through research-based professional development and implementation of best practice in our classrooms. Our staff demonstrates life-long learning and instills that same principle in our students. We inspire learning!
We appreciate and value the partnership between home and school, as parents and staff work together to promote student growth. We encourage parents to become involved in Brownell as we strive to provide the best possible educational experiences for our children. We are grateful for the work undertaken by our School Community Council, Parent Council and many volunteers who dedicate their time and energy towards making Brownell an exciting place to learn.
If you would like more information about Brownell, please contact us​ to arrange a personal visit and tour.